In two weeks (April 8th), I will launch the 3rd game in the Pulp Series called : Pulp Romance with its companion expansion!
You can read the draft campaign and post me comments HERE
It is finally on Kickstarter in 2 days ! The Tramways Engineer's Workbook volume 2: Cities ! After 6 years, I finally ended the development of 24-28 new cities but with All the Tramways rules + one Twist each time different depending on the city.
I am happy to announce that the campaign will be live on KS May 7th 2024. No need to know anything about the Volume 1, or Tramways, the TEW vol2 is a full stand alone book-game itself !
As a side note, all the solutions of the TEW1 will be revealed and 3 Cities will be available for free during the campaign!
Todd Sanders, the designer of Pulp Invasion, designed the Galactic Map to help your vessel make allies against the Cosmic Hegemonic !
This Galactic map, which is 16 different maps, will be launched on Kickstarter February 13th 2024, and HERE is the preview campaign ! English, French, German and Spanish! Italian with Giochix as usual!
After the release of Small City Deluxe Edition and the Winter Expansion full illustrated by Kwanchai Moriya, the second big project in 2023 will come August 8th 2023 on Kickstarter. Two expansions for Small City Deluxe Edition!
You can visit the draft text of the campaign HERE!
I am proud to announce the second wave of the Nano9games ! (click on the image below to get more info)
3 new games:
- 12 Patrols, a nifty solo game
- Clin9ic, the Nano9games version of Clinic Deluxe Edition !
- Asteroid Miners : A 2p dice game for Mining players :=)
KS Launch is planned in June 6th 2023!
Second month of 2023 and first campaign! This is the final expansion for Pulp Invasion with Space Ship cards and new Crew cards !
Live on Kickstarter February 7th !
Packed in a gorgeous slip case to fit all the boxes of the series, this expansion also adds a Dice Board and a Puzzle Player Board!
Have fun
I am happy to announce the last expansion for Clinic Deluxe Edition: Biohazard!
The launch is planned September 13th 2022 on Kickstarter. It will be the last expansion for Clinic Deluxe Edition!
The first images of the Nano9game boxes have been sent by the manufacturer...
We are very late on this project. I hope to get them in stock mid October 2022... the good thing is that we are working on the Nano9game Wave#2 which should be ready for April 2023.
The KS page (DRAFT) is ready HERE and you can visit it, comment and let me know your thoughts.
The Launch is planned March 8th 2022!!
Many new stuffs, game components !!
I am thrilled to announce the release of Small City Deluxe Edition illustrated by Kwanchai Moriya March 8th 2022 on Kickstarter. Inspired by the video game SimCity 1.0 released in 1989, Small City has been a long time out of print now.
The Winter Expansion box will be released at the same time ! More news later !
I am thrilled to announce that the first wave of Nano9games can be combined to play a new board game called EMPIRE PLANNERS !
Yes!!! this is crazy and so clever. With the 9 cards from Railways, the 9 cards of City Planner and the 9 cards of Empire, the 27 dice coming from different colors and the 27 cubes you can play a competitive 2p game ! It lasts 60 minutes to play. Ilya Baranovsky made the cover which is a mixed of the 3 first cover!
It will be available during the KS Campaign for 0€ and will cost 5€ after the campaign.
The Nano0games are coming soon on Kickstarter: November 2nd 2021.
9 Cards, 9 Cubes and 9 Dice for tough games to master! 1 min to setup, 30 min to play and a life to master with minimalistic component.
Pulp Invasion and its second expansion called X2 is now live on Kickstarter ! Clinic HERE to subscribe
The campaign ends August 5th 2021: New Captains, new planets to explore, a new Landing team with a new green die ...
You can also grab a new upgraded Rocket Bag !
Languages available: English, German, French, Spanish and Italian (cards, rules and boxes)
Clinic Deluxe Extension 2nd and Clinic Deluxe Extension 3rd will be live on Kickstarter February 2nd 2021!
A Campaign (Work) Book will be offered for free during the KS Campaign !
You still have 12 days to use your coupon CLINIC2020. This coupon will give you a discount of 10% and it can be used TWICE !!
I will have new stuffs for the Non Essen fair:
It contains two big expansions for Clinic Deluxe Edition and Tramways
Clinic Deluxe Extension #4: I have skipped Clinic Deluxe Extension #2 and Clinic Deluxe Extension #3 because the Covid19 has disrupted our play testings and are requiring more games to be balances.
That's why I have decided to release the last Deluxe Extension in the series!
Tramways Tile Expansion Packs: I add a new expansion that will add more variety to the building of your city during the setting phase with this release of 46 New Tiles! I have added nice big Clinic Tile with special abilities...
I have asked Sampo Sikiö, the graphic designer of Clinic 1st Edition to design the missing components to have a 4th Medical Dossier for the fans of the first hour who did not want to purchase Clinic Deluxe Edition, who DO not want to purchase Clinic Deluxe Extension #4, but HAVE NOT all the components now. So Medical Dossier #4 will contain ALL SGs unlocked during the big KS Campaign in 2019 and ALL components of Clinic Deluxe Extension #4, all cut and handled with scissors and hands like in 2014-2016!
And I think that should be enough for 2020 !
Thank you for your support
As you know, since the opening of the website, I have paid a particular attention to the shipping costs, and most, for not saying all items, have inexpensive shipping costs.
Since 2016, I have never increased any shipping fees. With the new Trump Administration policies and the Covid19 pandemic, my shipping fees have increased by 120% since 2016. I am now not able to maintain the 2016 shipping costs. I would like to apologize on this but I will increase few shipping costs to cover 50-80% of my real costs. Customers and fans won't be charged 100% of my real shipping costs because they are supporting my work when you are directly ordering the games and extension on my site.
Hope you will understand that the pandemic has put everyone in a very bad position... Hope new year would be a better one for the shipping costs...
Few more news during the Summer and the pandemic:
- the shop is still open and you can freely order as there is no pandemic on the Earth. Some delays have been increased a lot, but all orders arrive if the shipping address is correct. The most difficult area to reach it South America now, but we cross the fingers and we really hope the situation will become smoother very very soon.
- we just get in our warehouse the Covid19 extension and we are now in the fulfillment phase. I have imported the excel files from most of the rewards of the KS campaign, but I will start with the Vaccins, the Pasteur and the Jonas levels. Some backers in Europe should also get their Hospital levels, but they will be very few and lucky. The time delivery is September for this campaign. I am adding a flyer with a 10% discount, so be careful when you open the cardboard envelope !!!
- we also get all stuffs for Pulp Detective 3, the player mats and the crazy Collector box that we have called slip cases. They all look good and perfect. We plan to start the shipping of these items Mid September, when you have finished the Covid19 extension fulfillment.
- About Pulp Invasion, our second game in the Pulps Series, all files have been sent to the manufacturer (64 files!), I would like to thank Todd Sanders who made a crazy job. He is very efficient and very flexible. I know him for 7 years now and I have never been disappointed by his job, always ready to help. He will run a great campaign to publish new books and I will share the link with you when it will be public very soon.
- We are thinking to release some stuffs for the Virtual Essen fair, more news when we know more. May be a Clinic Extension 4, that would be fun to do because we do not have any Clinic Extension 2 neither 3...
On Kickstarter April 21th 2020,
2 important news today...
1) We are still working and shipping orders during the lockdown, I usually ship the orders on Friday
2) I will launch a charity campaign relating with Clinic Deluxe Edition, the CoViD_19 and a cooperative mode at the end of April, so stay tuned and click HERE if you want more informations.
I am very happy to announce the new Pulp Detective Expansion called Adventurers, Gadgets and Nemesis:
This expansion MUST be directly ordered on the web site during a AVStudiogames campaign that will start March 3rd 2020
Click HERE to know more
Here the last 2 new maps for Tramways the base game we are working on...
Tramways: Adelaide with special harbors connections and passengers flow from and to the downtown ...
Tramways: Shanghai at the beginning of the XXth century, with bad actions that you would like to avoid...
These 2 maps will be mounted on heavy cardboard like the Paris/New York map in 2017.
The campaign will be launched in February 2020 on Kickstarter!
Halloween and black orders! Happy to offer the shipping costs till November 5th 2019 with the coupon ESSEN19 (worldwide available, min 15€)!
I am very happy to upload NEW rules for Clinic Deluxe edition (base game) in several languages
- the English rules click HERE
- the Korean rules click HERE
- The French rules click HERE
- The Italian rules click HERE
- The Spanish rules click HERE
I am very proud to show you the box cover of CliniC Deluxe Edition: The Extension with Artwork by Ian O'Toole
It features ALL Expansions already released (>12 expansions) in 2014 and 2015 with new layouts, new graphics, new illustrations and new special twists
Kickstarter is scheduled May 7th 2019!
Ian O'Toole has sent us the box cover of the new Clinic: Deluxe Edition that will hit the Kickstarter tables May 7th 2019 !
He has also sent us the new illustrations of the boards and few components
I am proud to announce the release on Kickstarter of the big expansion called Tramways: The Dystopian Expansions April 2nd 2019
Sometimes News are very spaced out because I do not have anything interesting to tell you ...
Sometimes News are coming very quick after the last one (only 2 weeks)... I am happy to share with you the very very first illustrations and graphics for my next BIG board game CLINIC DELUXE. This game has been released in a cut and scissors version in 2014, but I have the opportunity to make something great now thanks to your incredible support. We have started the discussion with Ian O'Toole (VINHOS, LISBOA, AGE OF STEAM...) for 1 year and a half and this is how the illustrations would be
The plan is to run a KS campaign in April 2019... Hope the delay is not too short....
Stay tuned!